Expert Opinion
on CRC
in LA
AHF Convenes a Consensus Conference
on Expert Opinion on CRC in LA
Current Expert Opinion and Literature Review
on Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in Latin America
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of death in Latin America and is projected to increase by 65.4% by 2040. An activating BRAF mutation is found in up to 15% of metastatic CRC cases in Latin America.
Targeted therapies for BRAF-V600E mutated metastatic colorectal cancer have been shown to improve outcomes for patients in clinical trials. However, BRAF-V600E testing and the management of positive cases are inconsistent across Latin America
In November 2022, AHF convened a meeting of Latin American experts on BRAF-V600E metastatic colorectal cancer to develop recommendations for managing the disease. The manuscript entitled “Current BRAF-V600E CRC management landscape in LATAM: An expert LATAM panel recommendations” has been published in ecancer Medical Science. Click here to access the manuscript.
Lead author: Anelisa Coutinho