December 14, 2019

11 Increasing Access to Immuno-Oncology Therapies in Brazil



Therapies in Brazil


Access to
Therapiesin Brazil

Recommendations For Increasing Access to
Immuno-oncology Therapies in Brazil

Increasing Access to
Immuno-oncology Therapies in Brazil

Immuno-oncology therapies activate the immune system, making it able to recognize cancer cells and destroy them and are expected to become an important part of cancer therapy in years to come. However, the science of immuno-oncology is still evolving. Brazil is a country uniquely primed with both opportunities and strengths for clinical oncology research. Among its strengths, the country counts with growing access to information, an unfortunately high cancer burden, improving patient education, access to new drugs for research centers, regional networks and human resources.  In June, AHF convened a meeting of six Brazilian key opinion leaders in the fields of immuno-oncology, health economics, and regulatory aspects to develop recommendations for increasing access to immuno-oncology therapies in Brazil. The resulting article, "Increasing Access to Immuno-oncology Therapies in Brazil", was accepted for publication in the Journal of Cancer Policy. Click here to see the full article.


Increasing Access to Immuno-Oncology Therapies in Brazil 1