Isabela Werneck (Brazil)

Isabela Werneck (Brazil)

She is the medical coordinator of the pathology team at Rede D, OR-São Luiz in SP.
She is the Latin American coordinator of the study group on renal tumors of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP), and the pathologist in charge of the LARCG (Latin American Renal Cancer Group). She is a member of the Young Medical Leadership Program of the National Academy of Medicine and the World Health Organization's Expert Committee on the Classification of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors.
PhD in Oncology from the Antonio Prudente Foundation - AC Camargo Cancer Center, she mainly works in the areas of Uropathology, Sarcomas and Molecular Pathology. Her experience includes internships as a pathologist at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, USA), Brighan and Women Hospital-Harvard (Boston, USA), Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, USA) and NIH (Washington, USA). She was Scientific Director and Vice President of the Brazilian Society of Pathology (SBP) for the last 5 years. She is a researcher at IDOR and has extensive academic production with more than 180 papers published abroad with more than 11,000 citations.