Dr. Rubén Torres, Argentina
Rubén Torres Sanitarian and Epidemiologist Argentina Sanitarian and epidemiologist, Dr. Rubén Torres has a long history in the public health scene. He was manager of the Area of Health Systems…
Rubén Torres Sanitarian and Epidemiologist Argentina Sanitarian and epidemiologist, Dr. Rubén Torres has a long history in the public health scene. He was manager of the Area of Health Systems…
Franco Doimi Oncological Pathology Peru Managing Director in Oncological Pathology SAC Oncological Pathology SAC University of San Martín de Porres
Dr. Isabel Alvarado-Cabrero Pathologist Mexico Mexican Institute of Social Security IMSS Pathology Department Mexican Institute of Social Security Pathology DepartmentMexico City, Mexico Position - Chief
Dr. Fernando Maluf Oncologist Brazil Fernando Maluf, MD, PhD, is Chief of Medical Oncology at the Beneficencia Portuguesa and a member of the steering committee of the Medical Oncology Center…
Dr. Ruffo Freitas-Junior Gynecology and Obstetrics Brazil Graduated in Medicine from Severino Sombra University (1983). Have specialized in General Surgery at Andaraí Hospital (1986) and in Gynecology and Obstetrics at…
Dr. Vera Capelozzi Associate Professor Brazil Associate Professor at Hospital das Clínicas, FMUSP School of Medicine.
Dr. Ana Maria Camargo PhD in Sciences Brazil Bachelor of Biological Sciences (1994) and PhD in Sciences from the University of São Paulo (1997). Dedicated to the study of the…
Dr. Jose Claudio Casali da Rocha Genetics Brazil Director at CGEN - Centro de Genetica (Sao Paulo).
Dr. Luciano Neder Surgical Pathology and Oncopathology Brazil Experience in the area of Diagnostic Surgical Pathology and Oncopathology, with emphasis on Human Pathology, acting on the following subjects: Neuropathology, Surgical…
Dr. Jose G. Casas Argentina