
Next-Generation Sequencing Workshop

In September of 2019, different aspects of NGS of ctDNA through solid biopsy and its application for NSCLC were discussed during a one-day meeting with a full panel comprised of 5 experts from Brazil. Panel members included Dr. Gilberto Castro, Dra. Renata Coudry, Dra. Clarissa Baldotto, and Dra. Clarissa Mathias. The panel was moderated by Dr. Luiz Henrique Araujo.

This one-day meeting took place in Barcelona, Spain, surrounding the timeframe of the IASLC 2019 World Conference on Lung Cancer. AHF developed a suggested panel of authors, with the participation of members of the major Brazilian national and regional oncology and pathology societies, and well-rounded experts on NGS in the country. The development of comprehensive NGS of ctDNA review is a critical first step to improving access to both NGS technologies, as well as effective treatments for oncologic diseases with a genetic basis in Brazil. The resulting publication entitled “Next-generation sequencing in liquid biopsy for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: a discussion on its implementation in the Brazilian clinical practice” has been published in Future Oncology. To read the full publication, click here.

Next-Generation Sequencing Workshop 1
Next-Generation Sequencing Workshop 2